TAKEAWAYS - Data Sustainability w/ Simone Steel

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This is a podcast episode titled, TAKEAWAYS - Data Sustainability w/ Simone Steel. The summary for this episode is: <p>Have you asked yourself what is the relationship between the exponential growth of data and the environmental and business sustainability goals? Simone Steel, an experienced CDAO, has been asking these questions. This episode is a follow up to her thought provoking presentation at 2023 CDOIQ Conference. </p>


Have you asked yourself what is the relationship between the exponential growth of data and the environmental and business sustainability goals? Simone Steel, an experienced CDAO, has been asking these questions. This episode is a follow up to her thought provoking presentation at 2023 CDOIQ Conference.

Today's Host

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Tim Gasper

|VP of Product, data.world
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Juan Sequeda

|Principal Scientist & Head of AI Lab, data.world

Today's Guests

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Simone Steel

| Chief Data and Analytics OfficerChief Data and Analytics Officer @ Nationwide Building Society