Business Value on the #meandatastreets with Chris Tabb

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This is a podcast episode titled, Business Value on the #meandatastreets with Chris Tabb. The summary for this episode is: <p>Live from #meandatastreets of Big Data London, Tim and Juan will be chatting with Chris Tabb on how data teams need to be driving the message on providing the ability to increase the performance of the business across all domains with the use if data.</p>


Live from #meandatastreets of Big Data London, Tim and Juan will be chatting with Chris Tabb on how data teams need to be driving the message on providing the ability to increase the performance of the business across all domains with the use if data.

Today's Host

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Tim Gasper

|VP of Product,
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Juan Sequeda

|Principal Scientist & Head of AI Lab,

Today's Guests

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Chris Tabb

|Co-Founder & CCO at LEIT DAT