Data that Doesn't Drive Results is Useless with Alexa Westlake

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This is a podcast episode titled, Data that Doesn't Drive Results is Useless with Alexa Westlake. The summary for this episode is: <p>If data isn't driving results is useless. In this episode, Alexa Westlake will share from her experience on how to define and scale a council, create a culture of joint ownership of metrics, and discuss the relationship between outputs and outcomes.</p>


If data isn't driving results is useless. In this episode, Alexa Westlake will share from her experience on how to define and scale a council, create a culture of joint ownership of metrics, and discuss the relationship between outputs and outcomes.

Today's Host

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Tim Gasper

|VP of Product,
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Juan Sequeda

|Principal Scientist & Head of AI Lab,

Today's Guests

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Alexa Westlake

|Senior Data Analyst @ Okta